Old Glasgow Club Constitution 2018

1. The Club shall be called the OLD GLASGOW CLUB, and have for its objects the study and discussion of matters relating to the history of the city of Glasgow.

2. The Honorary President of the Club shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting.

3. The management of the Club shall be vested in a board of twelve Directors, consisting of President, Past President, Vice-President, Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer and six ordinary Directors. The Board shall have the power to elect Sub-Committees from their own number or from the ordinary Members for special purposes, with or without powers. The Membership Secretary shall be appointed from among the board of Directors. Any vacancies created by early retirement shall be filled at the AGM.

4.a The Office-bearers shall retire annually, but shall be eligible for re-election.

4.b The six ordinary Directors shall be eligible to stand for re-election after a three year term unless a shorter term is deemed appropriate

5. The Club financial year shall commence on 1st April and terminate on 31st March.

6. The Ordinary meetings shall be held at monthly intervals during the winter session, when possible, on the Second Thursday of the month.

7. Twenty members shall constitute an Ordinary meeting, and all questions shall be decided by a majority of votes of those present, the Chairman having both a deliberative and a casting vote. The voting may be by ballot if a majority of the Members present so decide.

8. The Annual Subscription shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting. Members whose subscriptions remain unpaid at the close of the Club’s financial year shall in the option of the Board have their names removed from the roll.

9. Candidates for membership shall complete an application in writing.

10. Extraordinary General Meetings may be held whenever deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members when requested to do so by the President or Vice-President, or on receiving a requisition to that effect from any ten members of the Club. Notices convening special meetings shall contain adequate information of the subjects to be discussed.

11. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in May, when the reports of the Office Bearers will be submitted, Office-bearers and Directors elected for the ensuing session, and any other competent business transacted.

12. The Treasurer’s accounts and vouchers shall be open to the inspection of Office-bearers prior to the Annual General Meeting at which the approval of the former is to be moved. The Accounts shall be examined prior to such meeting by two persons to be elected annually. These persons shall be either members of the Club or persons reasonably believed by the Club directors to have the relevant experience and ability to carry out the task.

13. The Ordinary Funds shall be lodged in a bank, in the name of the Club, to be drawn upon by the President, Secretary and Treasurer, or any two of them.

14. Members changing their contact details shall advise the Membership Secretary of such alteration.

15 a. None of the club’s assets may be distributed or otherwise applied (on being wound up or at any other time) except to further its charitable purposes.

15 b. If on the winding up of the club, any property remains after satisfaction of all the club’s debts and liabilities, such property shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the club; that property shall instead be transferred to some other charity or charities (whether incorporated on unincorporated) whose objects are similar (wholly or in part) to the objects of the club.

16. No change shall be made in this Constitution except by the majority vote of the Annual General Meeting. One month’s notice of any proposed alteration therein must be given in writing to the Secretary, and the alteration be intimated on the notice calling said meeting.

May 2018